Marina Efraimoglou
Founder and owner of Euphoria Retreat, Greece
“Euphoria Retreat represents my personal journey of transformation and is a vision which has been a lifetime in the making. What I believe is happening now is that we are learning that we need to heal ourselves in order to heal our world.”

A wise, passionate and insightful entrepreneur who puts healing at the heart of her business.
Founder of the groundbreaking holistic destination spa - Euphoria Retreat which opened in Greece in July 2018.
Former successful banker who recovered from cancer and took a dramatic career change to follow a personal path of inner development.
Studied Chinese Medicine and The Five Elements and has explored various healing modalities for over a decade. A regular speaker at health summits, her expertise covers both Greek and Chinese philosophies.
Combining cutting-edge science with ancient wisdom, multi-award-winning Euphoria is a gateway for personal transformation which promotes a connection to self, to nature and to our natural rhythms.